BOH – October 2021

31 oct 2021 – “Love God and your neighbor for love of Me”

My son, my daughter,

Charity is nothing but an outpouring of the Divine Being.
And this outpouring I have diffused over the whole Creation,
– in such a way that all Creation speaks of the love I have for man.
And all Creation teaches him how He must love Me
–  from the largest being to the most tiny little flower in the field.

With one voice they resound among themselves, and repeat to us:
“See, O man, our Creator made us for love of you,
– and we are all at your service.
And you, don’t be so ungrateful – love!
We beg you: love !  We repeat to you: love our Creator.”

After this, my lovable Jesus told me:
This is all I want: love God and your neighbor for love of Me.
See how much I have loved man – and he is so ungrateful.
How could you not want me to chastise them?”

“Love God and your neighbor for love of Me”” – BOH 2 

30 oct 2021 – The Celestial Mother helps Luisa to disarm Divine Justice

The Celestial Mother says to Luisa :

“My daughter,  you have disarmed divine Justice many times,
contenting yourself with receiving Its blows upon yourself.

Now that you see It at the summit of Its fury,
– do not lose heart, but be courageous.

With a heart full of holy Fortitude, enter into this Justice and disarm It.
(…) If you see yourself wounded, beaten, burned, rejected, do not drawback.
But rather, let this be a spur for you to move on.

I Myself have come to your help by bringing you a garment.
As your soul wears it, you will acquire courage and fortitude
– so as to fear nothing.” (…)

“you will acquire courage and fortitude so as to fear nothing” – BOH 4 

29 oct 2021 – If love would cease, life would cease

My daughter, my son,

“Love is everything for God and for man.
If love would cease, life would cease.

However, there are two kinds of love:
– One, spiritual and divine,
–  the other, corporal and disordered.
There is a great difference between these two loves
– in intensity, multiplicity, diversity. (…)

God is the Creator, and if He creates the creatures,
it is Love alone that makes Him create.
If He keeps all of His attributes in a continuous attitude
toward creatures,   it is Love that pushes Him to this.
And His very attributes receive life from Love. ” (…)

“If Love would cease, life would cease” – BOH 5 

28 oct 2021 – “Let me always find you in the Holy Will of my Son”

“My daughter,  my son,

place your little I love You’,  in all the Acts that pass between Me and my Son.
You must know that everything I did toward my Son,
I intended to do toward those souls who were to live in the Divine Will

Because, being in It, they would be disposed to receive all the acts I did toward Jesus. And I would find sufficient space in which to place them.

So, if I kissed my Son, I kissed them,
– because I found them together with Him in His Supreme Will.

They were the first to be as though lined up within Him.  And my maternal Love pushed Me to let them partake in everything I did to my Son. (…)

If you want Me to repeat for you what I did for my Son, let Me always find you in His Will. And I will be generous with my favors toward you.”

“Let me always find you in the Holy Will of my Son” – BOH 18 

27 oct 2021 – Thy Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven

My daughter, my son,

‘your Will be done’ which I taught in the ‘Our Father’ meant
that all were to pray that they might at least do the Will of God.

And this is for all Christians and for all times
Nor can anyone call himself a Christian if he does not dispose himself
– to do the Will of his Celestial Father.

On earth as It is in Heaven’
 means to live in the Divine Will.
It means to pray that the Kingdom of my Will may come on earth
in order to live in It.
In Heaven, they not only do my Will, but they live in It.
They possess It as their own thing, and as their own Kingdom. (…)

“Thy Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven” – BOH 20 

26 oct 2021 – The Goods of one single Word about the Divine Will

“My daughter, my son,

indeed my Will is immense . It contains the whole of Eternity.
If you knew the good which even
– one single word on my Will and
– one single act done in It by the creature contain,
you would be stunned.
In that act she takes Heaven and earth as though in her power.

My Will is life of everything and flows everywhere.
And together with my Will she flows
–  within each affection, in each heartbeat,
– in each thought and in all the rest that creatures do.  (…)

There is no good I do, nor any point of Eternity,
– in which she does not hold her little place.
Oh! how dear she is to Me, how I feel her inseparable from Me.

She is the true faithful one of my Will, she never leaves It alone. (…)

“My Will is life of everything and flows everywhere” – BOH 16 

25 oct 2021 – Jesus deposited the goods of Redemption in the Heart of his Mama

“My daughter, my son,

the whole law and the goods of Redemption were written by Me and deposited  in the Heart of my dear Mama.
She was the first one who lived in my Will
– and therefore drew Me from Heaven and conceived Me in Her womb.
It was right that,  She knew all the laws and was the depository
– of all the goods of Redemption.

And when, going out for my public life, I manifested it
– to the people, to the Apostles,
I did not add one coma – and not because I was incapable of it.
And the Apostles themselves, and the whole Church, have added
– nothing else  to what I said and did when I was upon earth.

The Church has added no other Gospel and instituted no additional Sacrament.
Rather, She always turns to all that I Myself did and said.  “(….)

“Jesus deposited the Goods of Redemption in his Mama” – BOH 16 

24 oct 2021 – The Divine Will is Light. The human will is darkness

“My daughter,  my son,

the human will has covered the whole atmosphere with clouds,
–  in such a way that thick darkness hangs over all creatures,
and almost all of them walk limping and groping.

And each human action they do without the connection of the Divine Will
–  intensifies this darkness and man becomes more blind.

Because the Light – the Sun for the human will is the Divine Will.
Without It, there is no light for the creature.

One who operates, prays, walks, … in my Will, rises above this darkness
And as she operates, prays, speaks, piercing these thick clouds,
she sends flashes of light over all the earth,
such as to shake those who live down below,  at the level of their wills,
– preparing the hearts to receive the Light of the Sun of the Divine Will.”

“Dispel this heaven of darkness over its head” – BOH 16 

23 oct 2021 – The only relief for Jesus is Love

The Virgin Mary says to Luisa:

My daughter, try to make up for everything by means of Love.
May you cherish one thing alone:  to love.

One thought alone, one word alone, one life alone:  Love.
If you want to content and please Jesus,
– love Him, and
– give Him always the occasion to speak of Love.
This is the only relief that cheers Him:  Love.
Tell Him to speak to you of Love, and He will put Himself in a feast.”

Luisa : ‘My tender Jesus, did You hear what our Mama is saying?
That I should ask You for Love, and to speak about Love.’

And Jesus, celebrating, said such and so many things
about the virtue, the height, the nobility of Love,
that it is not for the human language to be able to repeat it.

“The only relief for Jesus is Love” – BOH 10 

22 oct 2021 – The holy Virgin Mary was a faithful copy of her Creator

“My daughter, my son,

the most perfect copy of the children of the Kingdom of my Will
was my Celestial Mama.
And because  It had Its first daughter in It, Redemption could come
Otherwise, had We not had the first daughter of Our Will,
I, the Eternal Word, would never have descended from Heaven.

In order to descend upon earth, I would never have made use of,
nor trusted,  children who were extraneous to Our Will.

So, you see, a daughter of Our Will was needed for the coming
of the Kingdom of Redemption
And because She was a daughter of the Kingdom of the Eternal Fiat,
She was the faithful copy of Her Creator
– and a perfect copy of all Creation.
She was to enclose all the Acts
– that the Supreme Will exercises in all created things.”(…)

“The holy Virgin Mary was a faithful copy of her Creator” – BOH 20 

21 oct 2021 – “Your soul should maintain the flight of an eagle”

“My son, my daughter,

your soul must try to maintain the flight of an eagle
– that is, to dwell up high, above all the low things of this earth.
– and so high that no enemy may harm it.
In fact, one who lives up high can harm the enemies,
but cannot be harmed.

And she must not only live up high,  but she must try to have
a purity and sharpness of eye, –  similar to those of an eagle.

Though living up high, though the sharpness of her sight,
 she penetrates the divine things – not in passing,
but by chewing them to the point of making them her favorite food,
– despising any other thing.

And she also penetrates the necessities of her neighbor,
– nor is she afraid to descend into their midst and do good to them
And if needed, she lays down her life.” (…)

“Your soul should maintain the flight of an eagle” – BOH 6 

20 oct 2021 – In My Will human sufferings become Divine.

My daughter, my son,

In my Will ,  things, sufferings, change themselves
and from human they become Divine.
It is not the creature that suffers,   but I myself form them in Me.
 I create those sufferings  in Me,
–  in order to suffer them in my beloved creature.

My Life is repeating itself in her with the cortege of my Sufferings,
– and therefore I call them My Sufferings.

 And if you might know what I do with these sufferings!
I put them between the Heaven and the earth,
– as Glory and perennial Love to my Celestial Father,
– as  a defense and a refuge for creatures,
– as remorse to one who offends Me,
– as a cry of Love to one who doesn’t love me,
– as Light to one who doesn’t know me. (…)

And I can only do this Works  in one who lives in my Will.”

“In My Will human sufferings become Divine.” – BOH 35 

19 oct 2021 – The Gospel of the Kingdom of the Divine Will

“My son, my daughter,

Now that which I manifest on my Divine Will and that you write,
one can call the Gospel of the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

Nothing opposes itself neither to the sacred Writings
nor to the Gospel that I announced being upon the earth.
Rather one can call one the support of the other.

And therefore I permit and call the Priests that come,
that read the Gospel all of Heaven of the Kingdom of my Divine Fiat,
in order to say as I said to the Apostles:
preach it throughout the whole world. (…)

The so many surprising Truths, the Promises of the so many Goods
– that I must give to the children of the ‘Fiat Voluntas tua’-‘Your Will be done’,
will be  the Gospel, the base, the inexhaustible source
from which everyone will draw:  celestial Life,
– the terrestrial happiness, and – the restoration of their Creation.”(…)

“The Gospel of the Kingdom of the Divine Will” – BOH 23 

18 oct 2021 -The Virgin Mary was the Seed of the “Fiat Voluntas Tua “

“My daughter, my son,

a simple creature broke the relations which existed
between the Divine Will and the creature.  This split
destroyed the plans which God had in the creation of man.

Another simple creature, though endowed with many
graces and privileges, –  but still a mere creature
– the Virgin Mary ,  Queen of all ,
was given the office  to bind again – to cement, and
–  to place Herself in relations with the Will of Her Creator,
in order to repair the first split of that first creature. (…)

My Mama, was the beginning, the origin, the seed
– of the ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as it is in Heaven’. (…)

My Humanity, which never separated from my Divinity,
– upon this seed of my own Will which I found in my Divine Mother,
formed the great plan of the human will in the Divine Will.”

“The Virgin Mary was the Seed of the ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua ” – BOH 16 

17 oct 2021 – My Love imprisoned Me in the Tabernacle

My son, my daughter,

My Love, making a sweet imprisonment for Me, said to me:

‘Your purpose why You descended from Heaven to earth
is not completed. The Kingdom of our Will, where is it?
Neither does it exist, nor is it known.
Hence You remain imprisoned in every sacramental Host.

Thus it won’t be only one Jesus , as in your Humanity  but so
many Jesus’ for how many consecrated Hosts that will exist.’
So I will form with certainty the Kingdom of my Volition.
Nor would I have remained if I would not obtain the intent.
Even more so that
it is a greater sacrifice than that of my own mortal Life.(…)

“My Love imprisoned Me in the Tabernacle” – BOH 35 

16 oct 2021 – My Mama and Me were inseparable.


“My daughter, my son,

there could not be separation between Me and my sweet Mama.
The separation was only apparent.

She and I were fused together. (…)
I felt my sweet Mama everywhere.
I felt Her in my breath. And if it was labored, She would relieve it.
I felt Her in my Heart. And if It was embittered, She would sweeten It.
I felt Her in my step; And if it was tired, She would give Me vigor and rest
And who can tell you how I felt Her in my Passion?

At each lash, at each thorn, at each wound, at each drop of my Blood.
I felt Her everywhere, carrying out the office of my true Mother.  ”

“My Mama and Me were inseparable..” – BOH 11 

15 oct 2021 – Our Lives were blended together.

“My daughter,  my son,

My dear Mama also did nothing extraordinary in Her exterior life.
Even more, apparently She did less than others.

From Her came the life and the preservation of all creatures:
Yet, who saw anything?  No one.

She lived from my eternal Heartbeat, and I from Her maternal heartbeat.
Therefore our Lives were blended together.  
And this was exactly what, in my eyes, distinguished Her as my Mama.

I am used to cover my greatest works with the most ordinary things”(…)

“Our Lives were blended together.” – BOH 14 

14 oct 2021 – The Outpouring of Love between the Mother and the Son

“My daughter, my son,

(…) In fact, everything that was done by our Supreme Being
– was only an outpouring of Love.

In the Virgin Queen,
I centralized all the outpouring of Love that We had in Creation.

Because, as my Divine Will was in her, my Mother was able
– to receive, with my Kiss, such a great outpouring, and
– to return It to Me.

In fact, only the creature who lives in my Divine Will centralizes in her
– the continuous Act of the whole Creation, and
– the attitude to return It to God.

To the one who possesses my Divine Will
– I can give everything and she can give everything back to Me.”(…)

“The Outpouring of Love between the Mother and the Son” – BOH 27 

13 oct 2021 – Jesus and Mary are always together

My daughter, my son,

 I am always with Jesus.

However at times I hide in Him.
And it seems that He does everything as if He might be without me.
Instead I am within Him. I am together with  Him.

Other times He is hidden in his Mama and He has things done by me.
He is always together with me.

Other times We reveal both of us together.
And the souls see, the Mother and the Son Who love them so much,
according  to the circumstances and  to the good they require.

And many times it is the Love that we cannot contain that makes Us
give into excesses toward them.

But be certain that if my Son is there, so am I.
And that if I am there, my Son is there too.

“Jesus and Mary are always together” – BOH 23 

12 oct 2021 – The Celestial Queen listened to the Lessons of Jesus on the Divine Will

My son, my daughter,

I am not only the Bearer of Jesus.
I am also a spectator, listener of that which He does and says to souls.

“Do you believe, that I was not present to listen
to the so many lessons that my Dear Son made you on his Divine Will?

I was present, I listened, Word by Word, to that which He said to you.
And in every Word, I thanked my Son.
And I felt doubly glorified, that he spoke of the Reign
– that I already possessed,
– that has been all my fortune and the cause of the great Gift of my Son.

And in seeing Him speaking
I saw grafted the fortune of my children with mine.” (…)

“The Celestial Queen listened to the Lessons on the Divine Will” – BOH 34 –

11 oct 2021 – The Celestial Queen defends Jesus in the Sacramental Host

The Celestial Queens says :

“I must put his Life in security,  the great Gift that God entrusted me.
Therefore when He descends in hearts Sacramentally, I descend together with Him to defend Him.(…)

I am the Bearer of Jesus.  He doesn’t want to be without me.
So much so that when the Priest
is about to pronounce the Words of the Consecration over the Holy Host,
I make wings with my maternal hands

So He descends by means of my hands in order to consecrate Him.
So that if unworthy hands touch Him,  I make Him feel mine
– that defend Him and cover Him with my Love. ”

“The Celestial Queen defends Jesus in the Sacramental Host” – BOH 34 –

10 oct 2021 – To acquire Knowledge of Heavenly things

My son, my daughter,

“The more a soul strips herself of natural things,
the more she acquires supernatural and divine things.

The more she strips herself of her self-love,
the more she acquires the Love of God.

The less she aspires
– to the knowledge of the human sciences and to
– to seek the pleasures of the earth,

the more she acquires the Knowledge of heavenly things and the Virtues.”

“To acquire Knowledge of Heavenly things” – BOH 5 

10 oct 2021 – The Celestial Queen is the bearer of Jesus


The Supreme Being said to the Virgin Mary :

“Our daughter,
We make for you the great Gift of the Life of the Son God,
so that
– you are proprietress of Him and
– you give Him to whom you want.

However love Him,  keep Him defended,
do not leave Him ever alone to whomever you give Him to,
– in order to make up for if they don’t love him,
– in order to make reparation to him if they offend him,
you will do in a way that He lacks nothing
– for the Decency, for the Sanctity, for the Purity
that befits Him.”(…)

“The Celestial Queen is the Bearer of Jesus” – BOH 34 –

9 oct 2021 – The Life and the Glory of Queen of Light

“My daughter, my son,

between Me and the Celestial Queen,
– one was the Will that animated us,  one was the Life. (…)

However between my Mama and Myself, there  was this difference:
She is the residence invested by the Light. It made her prey of it.
And the Sun of my Will gave her always Light. He nourished her with Light and raised her in the interminable Rays of the eternal Sun of my Fiat.

Instead my Humanity possessed in itself the sphere of the Divine Sun,
– its source that always rises without ever diminishing.

And the Sovereign Queen drew from Me the Light
–  that gave the Life and the Glory of “Queen of  Light”.

“The Life and the Glory of Queen of Light” – BOH 23 –

8 oct 2021- The cause of the chastisements : the Love of God for the creatures

My son,  my daughter,

the main cause of Our sorrow is the loss of souls:
they are Ours – they belong to Us.

The cause that pushes Me to chastise them is the great Love
that I have for them,  so as to place their souls in safety.”

Even though I suffer, Love pushes Me to send heavier scourges(…)
It seems that the other means make him grow bolder.
Therefore, conform to my Justice

My Mother too loved Me more than all creatures – no one can equal Her.
And yet, in order to save these souls, She conformed to Justice.
And She resigned Herself to see Me suffer so much.

If my Mother did this, could you not do it yourself?”(…)

“My Mother resigned Herself to see Me suffer so much.” –  BOH 2

7 oct 2021 – Day dedicated to the Queen of the Rosary

My Son, my daughter

this day is consecrated to the Queen of the Rosary,
– Queen of victories and of triumphs.

Just as, the Sovereign Lady conquered Her Creator,
– and bejeweling Him with Her chains of love,
She drew Him from Heaven to earth,
– to make Him form the Kingdom of Redemption,

So will the sweet and powerful beads of Her Rosary
– make Her victorious and triumphant again before the Divinity,
conquering the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat,
– to make It come into the midst of creatures.(…)

“Day dedicated to the Queen of the Rosary” – BOH 25 –

6 oct 2021 – The victim souls are a support for Jesus

“My daughter, my son,

it is true that I want to chastise the world.
I have the lashes in my hands with which to beat it.

But it is also true that if both you and the confessor
interest yourself
– with praying Me and
– with suffering,
that is always a support.
And you would come to place as many props
– in order to spare the world, in part at least.

Otherwise, not finding any support or props,
I will pour Myself out with a free hand over the people.”

“The victim souls are a support for Jesus” – BOH 4
sept 29, 1900

5 oct 2021 – “Warm my Son with your affections”

Our Queen Mama tells us:

“My daughter, my son,
warm my Son with your affections.
Because my Son was born
– in extreme poverty,
– in the complete abandonment of men, and
– in highest mortification.”(…)

The tender little Baby, tells us: “Do you promise Me always
to be victim for love of Me,  just as I am for love of you?”

“I always kept my Heart offered in sacrifice,
– to glorify the Father,
– for the conversion of sinners, and
– for the people who surrounded Me,
and who were my most faithful companions in my pains.”(…)

“warm my Son with your affections” – BOH 3-25 dec 1899 –

4 oct 2021 – Our Queen Mama clothes Luisa with her Innocence

Jesus:  “Today I want to delight a little bit by reflecting Myself in you”

I kept repeating in my interior:
‘Oh! God, will I make You delight, or will I embitter You?’

In the meantime, our dear Queen Mama came to my help
Carrying a pure white garment in Her hands, and all-loving, She told me:

Daughter, do not fear.  I Myself want to make up for you
by clothing you with my Innocence,  
so that, in reflecting Himself in you,
my Son may find the greatest delight that can be found in a human creature.”

So She clothed me with that garment and She offered me
to my dear Good, Jesus, telling Him:
“Accept her out of regard for me, O dear Son, and delight in her.”

So every fear went away from me, and Jesus delighted in me, and I in Him.(…)

“Our Queen Mama clothes Luisa with her Innocence”
BOH 3 – Nov. 21, 1899 –

4 oct 2021 – A heart that loves for all

Jesus :: “How can grave things happen, with destructions and dying of people,
where there is a heart that loves for all?
At most, a few tremors might be felt, without considerable damage.”

Luisa :  On hearing ‘a heart that loves for all’, I felt as though I were being picked on. And I myself cannot tell how I came out saying:
What are you saying – a heart that loves for all?
Not only that loves for all, but that repairs for all, that suffers, that thanks,
that praises, that adores, that respects the holy law for all

Because I do not believe it is true love toward the Beloved,
– if one does not render Him the love and all the satisfaction
which the others were supposed to render Him,
–  in such a way that in that person,
He must find all the good and the contentment which He was to find in all.”

“A heart that loves for all” – BOH 7 –

3 oct 2021 – Our Father, our Queen Mary and Jesus working the creature

“My son, my daughter

 the Angels, the Saints, seeing the Celestial Father,
the Sovereign Queen and their King,
all intent working in this creature,
they also want to help us with the work.

And lining up around the fortunate creature,
– they work with defending her,
– they remove the enemies,
– they free her from the perils and
– form walls of fortitude, so that no one can molest her.

You see therefore how one who lives in my Divine Volition
gives work to everyone.
And everyone occupies themselves with her.”

“Our Father, our Queen Mary and Jesus working the creature” – BOH 33 –

2 oct 2021- What I am in Nature, my Mother was by Grace

“My daughter, my son,

the delights and the graces that I poured into my Mama,
– were such and so many,
that it is enough to tell you  that
– what I am by Nature,
– my Mother became by Grace.

More so, since She had no sin,
– and therefore my Grace was able to flow freely within Her,
there is nothing of my Being which I did not give to Her.”

At that instant, I seemed to see our Queen Mother as if
She were another God, with this difference alone:
– that in God this is His own Nature,
– while in Mary Most Holy it is acquired Grace.” (…)

“What I am in Nature, my Mother was by Grace.” – BOH 2 

1 oct2021 – My Kingdom was in the heart of My Mama

My daughter, my son,

“My Kingdom was in the Heart of my Mother
And this, because Her Heart was never disturbed even slightly.

So much so, that in the immense sea of the Passion,
She suffered immense pains.
And her Heart was pierced through by the sword of sorrow.
Bbut She did not receive the slightest breath of disturbance.

Therefore, since my Kingdom is a Kingdom of peace,

I was able to lay my Kingdom within Her,
and to reign freely without any obstacle.”

“My Kingdom was in the heart of My Mama .” – BOH 2 –

BOH – September 2021

28th of sept 2021 – love will defend her in everything and keep her safe.

“My daughter, my son,

to one who truly loves Me.
Love is more than a majestic, imposing sun for her.

If people look at her from afar, the light of love descends mildly into their eyes, and therefore they can plot, lay snares, speak ill of her.

But as they try to approach her, to fix on her, the light of Love will flash into their eyes, and they will end up moving away and no longer thinking about it.

And the loving soul will continue her course
– without even thinking about whether they are looking at her or not.

Because she knows that Love
will defend her in everything and will keep her safe.”

“love will defend her in everything and keep her safe.”
– BOH 11

27th of sept 2021 – Our Justice remained disarmed before this invincible Queen of Love

“My daughter, my son,

What can’t my Will do?  All possible and imaginable goods,
And in the creature where He reigns He gives such power.

And He says : “‘do that which you want, command, take, give
will never deny you anything, your strength is irresistible,
your power weakens me.”  (…)

This Holy Creature even from her conception,  felt the palpation
of my Fiat in hers. And in every heartbeat she loved Me.
And the Divinity re-loved her with duplicate Love in her every heartbeat.
And in that which she did, and in everything,  she loved Us, for herself
and for everyone. 
And We loved her always, always, in every instant

(…)  she arranged to cover all sins and creatures themselves with our Love.
Our Justice remained disarmed by this invincible Queen of Love.”…)

“Our Justice remained disarmed before this invincible Queen of Love”
– BOH 34

26th of sept 2021 – The true Life of God began in the creature

“My son, my daughter,

It was the uncreated Will
– that had the place of honor in the created will(…)

So that with the Conception of this Great Queen
– the true Life of God began in the creature, and
– the Life of the creature  in God
and the exchanges of Love, of Fortitude, of Beauty, of Light,
– between the one and the other.

Therefore the Prodigies were continuous, and never heard of,
Heavens and earth were stupefied.
The Angels remained enraptured,
before my working Divine Will in the creature.”(…) 

She formed the door in Heaven
– in order to make the Eternal Word descend (…)
She formed the door and the way
–  in order to make souls climb in the Celestial Country.”(…)

“The true Life of God began in the creature” – BOH 34

25th of sept 2021 – The Virgin Mary loved Us and everyone

“My son, my daughter,

Her strength was so much that she reigned over everyone,
even over her Creator.  She was invincible.
With the Force of the Divine Fiat
– she conquered everyone and everything.
Rather everyone let themselves be conquered
by this Divine Empress.

Because she held a powerful and enrapturing strength,
that no one could withstand her.
The demons themselves felt weakened.
And didn’t know where to hide from this insuperable strength.

All the Supreme Being flowed in this created will
–  that had been subdued by the Divine Will,
And the infinite Love poured itself into the finite love
And everyone and everything felt loved by this Holy creature.”(…)

“The Virgin Mary loved Us and everyone.” – BOH 34

24 sept 2021 – In Redemption, Jesus covered us with Beauty.

“My son, my daughter,

With my Wounds I covered their deformities,
–  rendering them more beautiful than before.

And if, in creating them, I made them like clearest and noble heavens,
in Redemption I adorned them,
– studding them with the most refulgent stars of my Wounds
so as to cover their ugliness and make them more beautiful.

To their wounds and deformities
I attached the diamonds, the pearls, the jewels of my Pains
– in order to hide all their evils and clothe them with such magnificence
as to surpass their state of origin.

Therefore, it is with reason that the Church says, ‘Fortunate fall’.
Because with sin came Redemption. And my Humanity
not only nourished them with Its Blood,
but clothed them with Its own Person, and adorned them with Its own Beauty.”(…)

“ In Redemption, Jesus covered us with Beauty.” – BOH 14

23th of sept 2021 – Effects of the Word and of the Gaze of Jesus.

“My son, my daughter,

(…)Each word is one more union, one more closeness,
and as the soul feels looked upon, Grace begins its crafting.

If the gaze or word was sweet and benign,  she says:
‘How beautiful, penetrating, gentle, melodious it was!
How not to love Him?’

If then it was a majestic Gaze or Word, blazing with Light,

she says:
What Majesty, what Greatness, what penetrating Light!
How small I feel! How miserable I am!
How much darkness in me before that light so blazing!’

If I wanted to tell you of the Power, the Grace,
the Good which my Word or Gaze brings,
how many books would I make you write.”

“Effects of the Word and of the Gaze of Jesus.” – BOH 14

22 sept 2021 – To live in my Will is to reign.

“My daughter, my son,
they do not want to understand.

To live in my Will is to reign.
To do my Will is to be submitted to my orders.
The first state is to possess.
The second is to receive my orders and execute them.

To live in my Will
– is to make my Will one’s own, as one’s own thing,
– it is to dispose of It.
To do my Will
 is to hold It  as Will of God,
– not as one’s own thing,
– nor can one dispose of It as one wants.

To live in my Will is to live with one single Will
– that of God
And since
– It is a Will all holy, all pure, all peace, and
– it is one single Will that reigns,
there are no contrasts – everything is peace.”(…)

“to live in my Will is to reign” – BOH 17

21 sept 2021 – It is natural that the little light receives the reflections of my Light

My son, my daughter,

“See then, what great evil sin is:  it is for man
– to lose his round around His Creator,  to annul the purpose of his creation,
– to be transformed from light into darkness, from beautiful into ugly.

It is such a great evil, that with all my Redemption I could not restore in him the eyes to be able to see my Divinity in his mortal flesh, but only when this flesh, undone and pulverized by death, would rise again on the day of judgment. (…)

Now, because of original sin, man lost his round around His Creator
And therefore he lost order, dominion of himself, light.  (…)

But do you know who is it that never stops in her round?
The soul who does my Will and lives in It. She always runs, she never stops.

And she receives  all the reflections of my Humanity,
– and  also the flashes of light of my Divinity.”

“it is natural that the little light receives the reflections of my Light”
– BOH 16

20th of sept 2021 – Jesus wants His Will to be done, to be able to give of his Own.

“My daughter, my son,

my love, my supreme goodness, is so great,
that every time the creature does my Will and operates
because I want it, I give her of my own.

And in order to always give her of my own, I want her to do my Will

As for my Glory, then, it is my same glory that I receive through
the works of the creature who does my Will.

It is a glory which descends from Heaven and rises again straight
to the foot of my Throne,
multiplied by the Divine Will exercised by the creature.

When the creature operates to do my Will,  by giving her of my Own,
together with that work
I place my Sanctity, my Power and Wisdom, the Beauty of my Works,
an incalculable and infinite Value.” (…)

“Jesus wants to give of his Own. – BOH 16

19 sept 2021 – The beauty of littleness

My son, my daughter,

“badness cannot enter the true little ones.
Do you know when evil, when growth begins to enter?
When one’s own will begins to enter.

As it enters, the creature begins to fill herself and to live of herself
The All goes out of the littleness of the creature, and it seems to her
that her littleness becomes greater – but, greatness to be cried over.

Since God does not live completely in her,
– she moves away from her beginning,
– she dishonors her origin,
– she  loses the light, the beauty, the sanctity, the freshness of her Creator.

She seems to grow before herself and maybe before men
But before Me – oh, how she decreases!
She may even become great, but she will never be my beloved little one “(…)

“The beauty of littleness” – BOH 16

18 th of sept 2021 – The great miracle of making man return at his Origin

My son, my daughter,

“In fact, my Words  on the sanctity and power of my Fiat
will resurrect the souls to their origin.

They will heal them from leprosy produced by the human will.
They will give them the sight to be able to see the goods of the Kingdom
of my Will, –  because until now they have been like blind.
They will give a speech to many mute who, while they were able to say many other things,  – only for my Will they were like many mute without speech.

And then,  the great miracle of being able to give to each creature
a Divine Will 
which contains all goods.

What will My Will not give them when It will be in possession
of the children of Its Kingdom? “(…)

“The great miracle of making man return at his Origin” – BOH 20

17th of september 2021 – To participate in the sorrows of our Queen Mama

My son, my daughter,

“Everyone can share in the merits and in the goods
produced by the sorrows of my Mother.

1. One who, in advance,
– places herself in the hands of Providence,
– offering herself to suffer any kind of pains, miseries, illnesses, calumnies, and everything which the Lord will dispose upon her, comes to participate in the first sorrow of the prophecy of Simeon.

2. One who actually finds herself amid sufferings, and is resigned,
– clings more tightly to Me and does not offend Me,
it is as if she were saving Me from the hands of Herod,
– keeping Me safe and sound within the Egypt of her heart.
And she participates in the second sorrow.

3. One who feels downhearted, dry and deprived of my Presence,
and remains yet firm and faithful to her usual practices….
– comes to participate in the merits and goods
which my Mother acquired when I was lost. ”
“To participate in the sorrows of our Queen Mama” – BOH 6

16th of september 2021 -The only relief that cheers Jesus is Love

The Blessed Virgin added:

“My daughter, (my son )

try to make up for everything by means of Love.
May you cherish
– one thing alone: to love,
– one thought alone, one word alone, one life alone: Love.

If you want to content and please Jesus,
–  love Him, and
–  give Him always the occasion to speak of Love.

This is the only relief that cheers Him:  Love.
Tell Him to speak to you of Love, and He will put Himself in feast.” (…)

“The only relief that cheers Jesus is Love” – BOH 10

15th september 2021 – My Mama is the Queen of Sorrows

“My son,  my daughter,

It were not the sorrows  that constituted my Mama as Queen
and that made Her shine with so much glory.
But it was my omnipotent Fiat,
– which was braided to Her every act and sorrow,
 and constituted Itself life of each of Her sorrows.

So, my Fiat was the first Act that formed the sword,
–  giving Her the intensity of pain It wanted.

My Fiat could place all the sorrows It wanted in that pierced Heart,
adding piercings upon piercings, pains upon pains,
– without a shadow of the slightest resistance.

On the contrary, She felt honored that my Fiat
would constitute Itself  life of even a heartbeat of Hers.
And my Fiat gave Her complete glory and constituted Her
true and legitimate Queen.” (…)

“My Mama is the Queen of Sorrows” – BOH 15

14th of september 2021 – The Glorious Cross – Jesus was nailed on the Cross in the Will of the Father

“My daughter, my son,

– not only my hands and feet were nailed to the cross,
– but all the particles of my Humanity, Soul, and Divinity
were all nailed in the Will of the Father.

In fact, the crucifixion was the Will of the Father.
Therefore I was nailed and transmuted completely in His Will.
This was necessary because what is sin but withdrawing
– from the Will of God,
– from everything that is good and holy which God has given us,
believing to be something of one’s own, and offending the Creator?

And I, in order to repair for this audacity and for this self-idol
which  the creature makes of herself,
I wanted to dissolve my will completely
and live from the Will of the Father  at the cost of great sacrifice.”

“Jesus wanted to  live from the Will of the Father” – BOH 7

13th of september 2021 – “My Truths are full of Life”


“My daughter, my son,

my Words are full of Truths and of Light.
And they carry with them the substance and the virtue
of transforming the soul
– into truth itself, into light itself, and
– into the very good which they contain,

in such a way that the soul does not only know the Truth,
but she feels within her the substance of operating
– according to the Truth which she has known.

Further, my Truths are full of Beauty and Attraction,
in such a way that the soul, taken by their Beauty,
lets herself be enraptured by them.
In Me, everything is order, harmony, and beauty. (…)

The Truths that your Jesus tells you,
are full of Life and of all that my Truths contain. “


“my Truths are full of Life” – BOH 14

12 sept 2021 – “as he rebelled against my Will, so was hell created in him”

“My daughter, my son,

why do you fear?  Don’t you know that the thing which the infernal serpent knows the least about Me is my Will?

In fact, he did not want to do It.
And by not doing It,  he did not know It,  nor love It. (…)

And if he does not know them, how can he speak of them?  Even more,
the thing that he abhors the most is that the creature does my Will. 

He does not care about whether the soul  prays, goes  to Confession,
–  receives Communion,   does penance or performs miracles

But the thing that harms him the most is that the soul does my Will.
In fact, as he rebelled against my Will, so was hell created in him
– his unhappy state, the rage that consumes him. ” (…)

“as he rebelled against my Will, so was hell created in him” – BOH 16

BOH – July 2021

31 July 2021 – “that nothing dare enter but my Will alone”

“My son, my daughter,

God cannot trust a man without a test.
And man himself does not know what strength he possesses.

If Adam had passed the test, all human generations would have been confirmed in his state of happiness and of royalty.

In the same way, I Myself, loving these children of my Divine Will with a Love
all special, wanted to go through the test for all in my Humanity,
–  reserving for them the one test of never allowing them to do their will,
– but only and always my Will,
so as to reconfirm for them all the goods needed
– in order to live in the Kingdom of my Divine Fiat.

With this, I closed all exit doors for them.
I anointed them with an invincible strength, in such a way that nothing else will be able to enter the very high fences of my Kingdom.” (…)

“that nothing dare enter but my Will alone”- BOH 24

30 July 2021 – The living in Our Wil is the greatest Prodigy

“My daughter, my son,

We created man with Our likeness,
– therefore he too possesses his human unity.

For one who does and lives in my Divine Will,
the human volition ceases.
Its life ends, nor has any reason to exist any longer.
Because the Life of the Unity of my Will begins.  (…)

The soul runs in the Fiat,
– in all the effects which It possesses and produces.
This is why living in Our Will is the greatest Prodigy.

By giving Our Divine Will We give everything. “(…)

“The living in Our Wil is the greatest Prodigy”- BOH 25

29 July 2021 – “I love You – I love You”

“My daughter, my son,

aren’t you happy that no ‘I love You’  that come out of you,  get lost,
– but all remain impressed in Me?
And …do you know what good comes to you by repeating them? (…)

By repeating those acts, she forms the water with which to water
– that seed in the earth of her heart.
Repeating your ‘I love You’ for Me
– procures for you the water with which to water and form the tree of Love.
Repeating patience waters and forms the tree of Patience.
Repeating your acts in my Will forms the water with which to water
– and form the divine and eternal tree of my Will.

Nothing can be formed with one single act,
– but with many upon many repeated acts. (…) 

Through habit, that good or that virtue becomes her nature. “(…)


“I love You – I love You”- BOH 18

28 July 2021- I feel my acts being repeated by you.

“My daughter, my son,

when the soul lives in my Divine Will, she has everything in her power.
Because my Will is the depository and the preserver
of all that my Mama and all the Saints did. (…)

The Queen of Heaven feels Her love and  Her prayers being repeated,
the Saints their virtues,  by the creature on earth.
And oh, how they enjoy seeing their acts being repeated once again!

There is no greater glory that can be given to the celestial inhabitants
– than to repeat their love, their prayers, their virtues.
And I feel once again as if my Mama were there loving Me and praying Me.

If you knew how much I enjoy it when I hear you say:
“I want to unite myself with the thoughts of Jesus,  with His words, with His works and steps.  So  with His thoughts, words, etc., we will together
– be in  each thought, word, work and step of creatures. (…)

” I feel my acts being repeated by you- BOH 24

27 July 2021 – The Blood of Jesus defends the creatures before Divine Justice

Prayer in my Will is therefore necessary.
Covering all creatures, it will  defend them, and
prevent my Justice from approaching them to punish them.

I heard Jesus say“Father, I offer you my Blood.
Oh! let It cover the minds of creatures,  (…)
so that their minds may become holy.
 Let this Blood cover their eyes
– so that they  not be stained by earthly mud.
Let this Blood fill their mouths and make their lips
incapable to utter blasphemies(…)

Father, let this Blood cover their hands
so that evil deeds become unbearable for them!
May this Blood flow into our eternal Will to cover all
creatures and to defend them for the rights of our Justice.”

“The Blood of Jesus defends the creatures”- BOH 17

26 July 2021- Feast of Joachim and Anna – The Conception of the Holy Virgin Mary

“My daughter, my son,

as this Holy Virgin was conceived, thus she restarted our feast with mankind.
Because even from the first instant of her conception she inherited our Divine Will, which immediately began his intense divine work in her beautiful soul

And in every heartbeat, thought, breath of hers, with his creative Power
He formed enchanting prodigies of Sanctity,  of Beauty, of Grace.
We ourselves, who were actors and spectators together with our Divine Volition, we remained enraptured. And in our excess of Love We said:

‘How beautiful is the creature together with our Volition!
She gives ease to Us by forming our most beautiful Works
And she gives us Life through our Life in her!’ (…)”

” The Conception of the Holy Virgin Mary”- BOH 35

25 July 2021 – An Act done in my Will multiplies infinitely

“My daughter, my son,

how great are the Acts accomplished in my Will!

If you asked the sun:
“How many seeds did you make productive today?
How many of them did you multiply?”

Obviously, neither the sun nor any creature,
– no matter how much they know,
could answer this question.

Nevertheless, an Act done in my Will achieves much more
than the sun by multiplying infinitely the divine Seeds.

An Act done in my Will carries with it a great creative Power.
It makes the seeds incredibly productive. (…) ”


” An Act done in my Will multiplies infinitely”- BOH 13

24 July 2021 – I remain always the offended God

“My son, my daughter

(…)  And their union means that they all have the same color.
The enemies are no longer afraid and horrified
to approach people from the Church, because
since the true fount of virtue and religion is not in them .

On the contrary, some of them celebrate the
Divine Sacrifice without believing in my existence
For others, if they believe at all, it is a faith without works
And their lives are a chain of enormous sacrileges.
So, what good can they do if they don’t have it within themselves?

Et Je reste toujours le Dieu offensé,
–  tant par les méchants qui feignent une teinte de piété pour
renforcer leur parti, et pouvoir ainsi faire un plus grand mal, que
– par les gens de l’Église, qui ayant une fausse piété,
ne sont plus assez bons pour attirer le peuple à Me suivre (…)”

” I remain always the offended God”- BOH 15

23 July 2021 – To work on the own salvation and the salvation of the people

My son, my daughter,

As soon as the magi  were in the presence of the Child,
The little child
– took pleasure in making the rays of His Divinity shine outwardly,
– and  communicated Himself to them in three ways:
with Love, with Beauty, and with Power.

Thus, they remained delighted and absorbed in the presence
of the little Child Jesus, so much so that
if the Lord had not hidden the rays of his Divinity behind his Humanity
the Magi would have remained there, unable to move.

As soon as the Child withdrew his Divinity
– the holy Magi returned to themselves,
amazed to see such a great excess of Love.

The Queen Mother.  strongly asked them to work
– for their own salvation and
– and for the salvation of their people.
They should have no fear of exposing their lives to achieve this goal.(…)

” to work for the own salvation and the salvation of the people”- BOH 4

21 July 2021 – protect Jesus, love Him and please Him in everything

“My daughter,  my son,

so many times
– you have disarmed the Divine Justice and
– you were happy to receive yourself the blows of Justice.

Now that you see her at the height of her fury,
you must not be discouraged:  be brave!
With your soul filled with a holy Strength
– enter into Justice Itself, and disarm It.

Don’t be afraid of swords, fire,
and anything else you may encounter.

In order to reach your goal,   if you see yourself wounded,
beaten, scalded or rejected, do not turn back.
Let this be a stimulus for you to go forward.

For this purpose I have come to help you.(…)”

” protect Jesus, love Him and please Him in everything”- BOH 4

20 July 2021 – Mother and Queen of the Divine Will

My son, my daughter,

Who would be the creature who would lend her flesh to her Creator?
We chose a creature. And, by virtue of the future Redeemer’s merits,
she was exempted from original sin.  Her will and Ours were one. (…)

Oh! how many tears she shed because of our sorrow and of the great
misery of man!  She did not want to concede any life to her will.
And therefore she remained small. (…)

Our Will made her all Beautiful, Holy, and Divine.
It enriched her so much that It made her the greatest of all.
She was a Prodigy of our Will, a prodigy of Grace, of Beauty, of Holiness.

Her most beautiful title was: “Mother and Queen of the Divine Will.”

” Mother and Queen of the Divine Will”- BOH 16

19 July 2021 -Pray, suffer and operate in my Will.

“My daughter, my son,

extend your arms together with Me, in my Will,
– to repair for many who extend their works in the human will, which
forms for them the net of all evils to hurl them into the eternal abyss.
– and  to prevent my Justice from pouring itself upon them
in order to vent  Its  just fury.

In fact, when the creature extends herself in my Will
to operate and to suffer,
my Justice feels touched by the creature with the Power of my Will.
And it ceases Its just rigors.

Therefore, my daughter, my son, pray, suffer, operate in my Will.
Because this alone can prevent,
that my Justice burst out with its devastating thunderbolts
in order to destroy the earth. (…)”

” Pray, suffer and operate in my Will.”- BOH 17

18 July 2021- My Will will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

My son, my daughter,

(..) wanting to display even more Love than in Redemption Itself
– by making my Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven,
my Will comes to give man
– his state of origin, his nobility,  the purpose for which he was created.

It comes to open the current between Itself and the human will.

In such a way that, absorbed by this Divine Will, being dominated by It,
– the human will will give life to the Divine Will within itself,
– and my Will will reign on earth as It does in Heaven.”

” My Will will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”- BOH 15

17 July 2021 – The whole Church prays the Our Father

My son, my daughter,

(…)As I prayed, the Father surrendered to my supplications.
And I formed the Seed of a Good so great.
And so that this Seed might be known,
I taught my Prayer to the Apostles.
And they transmitted it to the whole Church
. (…)

As  the Church prays and repeats my very Prayer many times,
she disposes Herself to receive the good
– of recognizing and loving my Celestial Father as their Father.
In such a way they will deserve to be loved as children. (…)

In this Seed and in this Hope
that my Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven,
–  the very Saints have formed their sanctity,
– and the martyrs have shed their blood. (…)

There is no Good which does not derive from this Seed.
So, the whole Church prays.

” The whole Church prays the Our Father”- BOH 15

16 July 2021 – I will take care of the defense of your sacramental life

My son, my daughter,

(…)  my Queen Mama offered Herself
– to receive my Act and the deposit of this great gift.

She told Me: ‘My Son,
just as I offered You my womb and all of my being in your conception,
to keep You safe and sheltered,
I now offer You my maternal Heart, to receive this great deposit.
I line up, around your Sacramental Life,
– my affections, my heartbeats,  my love,  my thoughts  all of myself,
to keep You sheltered, courted, loved, protected.

I myself take on the commitment  to repay You for the gift You are giving.
Trust your Mama, and I will take care of the defense of your Sacramental Life.

(…)and trusting my Mama, who had given Me all the proofs of Her faithfulness,
I instituted the Most Holy Sacrament. (…)

” I will take care of the defense of your sacramental life- BOH 21

15 July 2021 – The Sanctity in my Will – a new Era

My daughter, my son,

in order to make Redemption come and to dispose souls for It,
– I made the promise of the future Messiah.
So that, by hoping for Him to come,
– they would not only dispose themselves,
– but find, they too, their own salvation in the future Redeemer.

Now, in order to dispose souls to live in my Will,
– to let them partake in the Goods It contains, and
– to make man return to the path of his Origin,
just as he was created by Me,

I Myself wanted to pray as the first
making my Voice resound from one end of the earth to another,
and even up high in Heaven, saying:
Our Father, who art in Heaven’. (…)

” The Sanctity in my Will – a new Era “- BOH 15

14 July 2021- The Seed of the Eternal Fecundity of the Father

My Son, my daughter,

(…) The Sacrosanct Trinity had to give of Its Own
to this Divine Virgin,
– so that She might conceive Me, the Son of God.

My Holy Mama could never have conceived Me
without having a seed.
Now, since She belonged to the human race,
– this Seed of eternal Fecundity gave Her the virtue
of conceiving Me as Man.
And because the Seed was Divine,
– at the same time She conceived Me as God. (…)

” The Seed of the Eternal Fecundity of the Father”- BOH 15

13 July 2021 – True reigning binds all and makes one loved by all.

My son, my daughter,

I (Jesus) answered to Pilate :

“(…) so,  riches are slaveries,
positions are swords
, by which many are killed or wounded.

True reigning is
– virtue,   to be stripped of everything,
– to sacrifice oneself for all,  to submit oneself to all.
This is true reigning, which binds all, and makes one loved by all.

Therefore, my Kingdom will have no end,
while yours is near to perishing.”

And, in my Will, I made these Words reach
the ear of all those who are in positions of authority,
– to let them know the great danger they are in, and
– to put on guard those who aspire to positions, to dignities, to command.”

” True reigning binds all”- BOH 15

12 July 2021- Thank You Holy and Supreme Volition, in the name of all.

My son, my daughter,

it is true that my Will is everywhere.
But the shade of the human will does not allow the soul
– to feel the vividness of the light, the heat, and all the good It contains.

On the other hand, by wanting to enter into my Will,
the soul lays down her own
 and removes the shade of her volition.
And my Will makes Its vivid light shine, It invests her,
It transforms her into light itself.

And the soul, plunged into my Eternal Volition
says to Me:
‘Thank You, O Holy Supreme Volition,
for your light and for all the goods You produce
by filling Heaven and earth with your Eternal Will.
For all, I want to give You the return of the good You do.’

And I feel such honor, glory and satisfaction, that no other equals it.

“Thank You Holy and Supreme Volition, in the name of all.”- BOH 15

11 July 2021- This celestial Food will make the Church rise again to full Glory.

My son, my daughter,

these Writings will be for my Church
like a new sun which will rise in Her midst.

And drawn by its blazing Light, creatures will apply themselves in order
– to be transformed into this Light and
– to become spiritualized and divinized,
in such a way that, as the Church will be renewed,
they will transform the face of the earth.

The doctrine on my Will is the purest, the most beautiful,
–  not subject to any shadow of the material or of interest,
– both in the supernatural and in the natural order. (…)

They will find not a word which is not Truth.
At the most, they will not be able to comprehend it fully. (…)

” This celestial Food will make the Church rise again to full Glory.”- BOH16

10th of July 2021 – The Divine Will is hell for the devil

My daughter,  my son,

don’t you know that the thing which the infernal serpent
knows the least about Me is my Will? (…)

And if he does not know them, how can he speak of them?
Even morethe thing that he abhors the most is
that the creature does my Will. 

He does not care about whether the soul
–  prays, –  goes to Confession, –  receives Communion,
–  does penance or  – performs miracles

But the thing that harms him the most is that the soul does my Will.
In fact, as he rebelled against my Will, so was hell created in him
– his unhappy state, the rage that consumes him.
So, my Will is hell for him. (…)  And the more my Will is known,
the more tormented and furious he becomes. (…)

“The Divine Will is hell for the devil”- BOH16

9 July 2021- The human will must be emptied of all that is human.

“My daughter, my son,

so that my Will may descend upon earth,
–  it is necessary that your will rise up to Heaven.

And so that it may rise up to Heaven and live in the Celestial Fatherland,
– it is necessary to empty it
of all that is human, that is not holy, pure and upright.

Nothing enters into Heaven to live communal life with Us,
–  if it not completely divinized and transformed completely into Ourselves.

Nor can my Divine Will descend upon earth and carry out Its Life
as within Its own center,
– if It does not find the human will emptied of everything,
so as to fill it with all the goods which my Will contains. (…)”

” The human will must be emptied of all that is human”-BOH 16

8 July 2021 – The greatest gift I want to give to creatures

My son, my daughter,

This living in my Will is the greatest gift I want to give to creatures.
My goodness wants to make ever greater display of Love toward creatures.

And since I have given them everything,
and I have nothing else to give to make Myself loved,

I want to give them the Gift of my Will, so that,
–  by possessing It, they may love the great Good they possess.

And do not be surprised if you see that they do not understand.
In order to understand, they would have to dispose themselves
to the greatest of sacrifices:
– that of not giving life, even in holy things, to their own will.  (…)

” The greatest gift I want to give to creatures”-BOH17

7 July 2021 – Live with the Will of God, live as a son.

My son, my daughter,

To live in my Will 
– is to make my Will one’s own, as one’s own thing,
– it is to dispose of It.
To do my Will is to hold It  as Will of God,
– not as one’s own thing,
–  nor can one dispose of It as one wants.

To live in my Will is to live with one single Will – that of God.
And since
– It is a Will all holy, all pure, all peace, and
– it is one single Will that reigns,
there are no contrasts – everything is peace.

The first step of living in the Divine Will – what does it do?
It lays the divine order in the depth of the soul,  emptying her
– of what is human
– of tendencies, of passions, of inclinations and the like.(…)

“Live with the Will of God, live as a son.”- BOH 17

6 July 2021 – “The Virgin Mary- Mother and Bearer of my Life to all”

My daughter, my son,

there is the example of my Mama – true sanctity of the living in my Will.
Her interior was all eclipsed in the Eternal Sun of the Supreme Volition.

Having to be  the Queen of the Sanctity of the Saints,
the Mother and Bearer of my Life to all, and therefore of all goods,
She remained as though hidden within all,
bringing good without making Herself recognized.

She was so enraptured in God, so fixed and ordered in the Divine Will,
that Her whole interior swam in the sea of the Eternal Volition. (…)

She was all intent on that Eternal Will which, with great Love and violence,
She charmed and enraptured in order to transport It from Heaven to earth.

“The Virgin Mary – Mother and Bearer of my Life to all”-BOH16

5 July 2021 – Only the Cross revealed Jesus as God.

My son, my daughter,

Only the Cross  revealed Me
– to the world and  to the whole of hell
for Who I really was.
All were shaken and recognized their Creator.

Therefore, it is the Cross
– that reveals God to the soul, and
– makes known whether the soul is truly of God.

It can be said that the Cross
–  uncovers all the intimate parts of the soul and
– reveals to God and to men who she is.”

” Only the Cross revealed Jesus as God”-BOH4

4 July 2021 – I return to sow new seeds of Truth into your soul.

My son, my daughter

(…) one who does my Will is not subject to being able
to form earth that suffocates my seed

Rather, many times I find not even humility in her, but only her nothingness,
which produces little earth, so I can place just one layer over my seed.

And the Sun of my Will quickly fecundates it, and it germinates.
And I make great harvests, to then quickly return to sow my seed again.

Besides, you can be sure of this.
Don’t you see how often I return to sow new seeds of Truths into your soul?”

I return to sow new seeds of Truth into your soul”- BOH16

3 July 2021 – The celestial farmer sows his Word

My son, my daughter,

I prepare the little trenches, I form the furrows,
I enlarge the capacity of her intelligence
to be able to sow my divine Word,
–  and therefore form the food for Me and for her.

Then I cover the little trenches and the furrows with earth
– which is humility, nothingness, the annihilation of the soul,
– and some little weakness or misery of hers.

This is the earth, and it is necessary that I take it from her
because I lack this earth.
And so I cover everything and I wait for my harvest with joy.”(…)

” The celestial farmer sows his Word”- BOH16

2 July 2021 – Our Lives were blended together

My son, my daughter,

My dear Mama also did nothing extraordinary in Her exterior life
Even more,  apparently She did less than others.
She lowered Herself to the most ordinary actions of life:
She would spin, sew, sweep, light the fire.…

Who would ever have thought that She was the Mother of a God?
Her external actions indicated nothing of this.

So, She lived from my eternal Heartbeat,
and I from Her maternal heartbeat.
Therefore our Lives were blended together.

And this was exactly what, in my eyes, distinguished Her as my Mama.(…)

“Our Lives were blended together”- BOH16

1 July 2021 – After confession my soul received a new life

My son, my daughter

“Just as sin wounds and gives death to the soul,
so does the Sacrament of Confession
– give life, heal the wounds, and
– give back vigor to virtues,
and this, more or less,
– according to the dispositions of the soul.

So does the virtue of the Sacrament operate.”

Luisa : ‘It seemed to me that my soul had received new life.
I no longer felt the bother of before,
– after Jesus gave me the absolution.
May the Lord be always thanked and glorified!’

” After confession my soul received a new life”- BOH3

BOH – August 2021

26 th of August 2021 – To watch over the storms which will arise.

“My daughter, my son,

one who lives in my Will lives on a high place.
And one who lives in a high place can look down below with more clarity.
She has to take part in the decisions, in the afflictions, and in everything which befits persons who live in a high place. Don’t you see this in the world?  (…)

One who lives in my Will, living in a high place,  must
– bear the pains of those who live down below,
– see their dangers,  help them,
– take such serious decisions as to make one tremble,
while they remain tranquil.

Therefore, calm yourself.  We will have a communal life in my Will,
And together with Me, you will take part in the sufferings of the human family.

You will watch over the great storms which will arise. And while they play
in the midst of danger,  you will cry with Me over their misfortune.”

“You will watch over the storms which will arise” –  BOH 12

25th of August 2021 – My Mercy was softening, and my Justice was losing sharpness.

Luisa said to Jesus :

“My Love, in your Will I find all generations.
And in the name of the whole human family,
– adore You, I kiss You, I repair You for all.
I give your Wounds and your Blood to all,
– so that all may find their salvation.

And if the lost souls can no longer benefit
from your Most Holy Blood, nor love You,
I take It in their place,
in order to do what they should have done.

I do not want your love to remain defrauded
– in anything on the part of creatures.
I want to compensate, repair You, love You for all,
from the first to the last man.”

Jesus :  “My daughter, echo of my Life,
while you were praying,  my Mercy was softening,
and my Justice was losing sharpness

–  not only in the present time but also in the future.”(…)

“your prayer remain in act in my Will” –  BOH 12

24 th of August 2021 – The Fiat Mihi of my Mama marks everything

“My daughter, my son,

Redemption came out from the ‘Fiat Mihi’ of my dear Mama,
pronounced in my Volition
and carrying the same power of my Creative ‘Fiat.’

Therefore, there is nothing in Redemption that does not
contain the mark of the ‘Fiat Mihi’ of my Mama.

Even my very Humanity, my steps, words, and works
were marked by Her ‘Fiat Mihi.’
My pains, my wounds, my thorns, my Cross, my Blood,
had the mark of Her ‘Fiat Mihi’.

My origin in time was the ‘Fiat Mihi’ of the Immaculate Mama.
Therefore all of my works carry the mark of Her ‘Fiat Mihi’.
So, Her ‘Fiat Mihi’ is in each Sacramental Host. “(…)

“The Fiat Mihi of my Mama marks everything” –  BOH 12

23 August 2021 – I love You- I thank You- I bless You – I adore You for our Queen Mama

Luisa said to Jesus :

“My Jesus, while I am clinging to You,
I want to prove to You my love, my gratitude, and everything
– which the creature has the duty to do,
because You have created our Immaculate Queen Mama
– the most beautiful one, the holiest, a portent of grace,
enriching Her with all gifts, and making Her also our Mother.

And I do this in the name of creatures, past, present, and future.
I want to seize each act of creature
– each word, thought, heartbeat and step .
And I tell You, in each one of them,
that I love You, I thank You, I bless You, I adore You,
for all that You have done in your Celestial Mama and mine.” (…)

“I love You- I thank You- I bless You – I adore You for our Queen Mama” –  BOH 12

21 August 2021 – My Glory will be complete in everything

“My daughter,

(…)This is why I am calling you to live in my Will.
and I whisper into your ear following prayer :

 I lay at your feet
  the adoration, the subjection of the whole human family.
– I place in your Heart the “I love You” of all.
– on your lips I impress my kiss in order to seal the kiss of all generations.
– I clasp You with my arms in order to clasp You with the arms of all,
to bring You the glory of all the works of all creatures.’

And I feel in you the adoration, the ‘I love You’the kiss, etc.
of the whole human family. “(…)

“My Glory will be complete in everything” –  BOH 12

20 August 2021 – Before she knew she would be my Mother, my Mama her sea of sorrow.

My daughter,  my son,

even before knowing that She was to be my Mother,
my dear Mama had Her sea of sorrow.
And this sea was the pain because of the offenses
given to Her Creator.  Oh! how She grieved.

And then, this pain of Hers was animated by a Divine Will,
which She possessed, and which contains the virtue of a fount.

It has the virtue of changing everything that is done in It
– the littlest things, the drops of water – into unending sea.

My Will does not know how to do small things, but all great.  
(…)If my Will operates or invests an atom, a little act, that atom,
that little act, becomes sea. (…)

(…) The little ‘I love You’ in my Will becomes  sea of Love.

“A little ‘I love You’ becomes  sea of love”- BOH 20

19 August 2021- The Virgin Mary is the perfect copy of the Creation and the Creator

“My son, my daughter,

in order to descend upon earth,  I would never have made use of,
nor trusted, children who were extraneous to Our Will.

So, you see,  a daughter of Our Will was needed  for the coming
of the Kingdom of Redemption .
Because She was a daughter of the Kingdom of the Eternal Fiat,
– She was the faithful copy of Her Creator
– she was the perfect copy of all Creation.
– She was to enclose all the acts that the Supreme Will exercises
in all created things.

Oh! how beautiful was the Celestial Sovereign, as We saw in Her
not only Our copy, but all of Our works enclosed in Her. 

And this,  because She enclosed Our Will within Herself. “(…)

“The Virgin Mary is the perfect copy of the Creation and the Creator”
– BOH 20

18th of August 2021 – “I do not want you to even slightly distrust Me

“My daughter, my son,

calm yourself, do not fear. Your Jesus does not leave you.
I am jealous of your trust.  And I do not want you to even slightly distrust Me.

See, I love so much that souls be with Me in full trust, that many times I hide
– some defect or imperfection of theirs, or
– some lack of correspondence to my grace,
so as not to give them any occasion to not be with Me in full trust.

In fact, if the soul loses trust, she remains
– as though separated from Me and all huddled within herself.

She places herself at a due distance from Me.
And she remains paralyzed in her surge of love, and therefore paralyzed in sacrificing herself for Me. Oh! how much harm does distrust cause!” (…)

“I do not want you to even slightly distrust Me“- BOH 12

17th of August 2021 – I live with Him – his very Kingdom is mine

“My daughter, my son,

as soon as the soul enters my Volition and decides to live in It,
all doubts and fears depart from her.
It happens as to a daughter of a king, who, no matter how much people say that she is not the daughter of her father,  pays no attention.

On the contrary, she keeps on going, proud, saying to everyone:
‘It is useless for you to say the contrary, or to put doubts and fears in me.
I am the true daughter of the king – he is my father.
I live with him. Even more, his very kingdom is mine.’

Therefore, among the many goods which living in my Will brings,
It also brings the state of security. “(…)

My Kingdom is hers, as much as It is Mine.
And defending Our rights, she takes part in judging and condemning others.

Therefore, how can you want to go fishing for fears?”

“I live with Him – his very Kingdom is mine.”- BOH 12

16 th of August 2021 – Lay down your human remains and take what is divine.

My daughter, my son,

And I too will cry out:  ‘Freedom! Freedom!
Come all into my Will, and you will enjoy true freedom!’
Outside of my Will, how many obstructions does the soul not find!
But in my Will she is free. I leave her free to love Me as she wants

Even more, I tell her:
Lay down your human remains – take what is divine.

I am not stingy and jealous with my goods. I want you to take everything.
Love Me immensely – take, take all my Love.
Make my Power your own. Make my Beauty your own.
The more you take, the happier your Jesus will be.’(…)

“Lay down your human remains and take what is divine.”- BOH 12

15 th of Aug 2021 – The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary -Feast the Divine Will

“My daughter, my son,

the true name of this Feast should be Feast of the Divine Will.
(…) this creature, Queen of all,
by doing the Will of the Eternal One always and in everything,
even more,  it can be said that Her life was Divine Will alone
– opened the Heavens,  bound Herself to the Eternal One, and
– restored in Heaven the feasts with the creature.

Every act She did in the Supreme Will was a Feast
that She started in Heaven (…)

The true cause of this feast is
– the Eternal Will operating and fulfilled in my Celestial Mama.
It operated such Prodigies in Her as to
–  astonish Heaven and earth,
– chain the Eternal One with indissoluble bonds of Love, and
– capture the Word even into Her womb. “(…)

“Feast the Divine Will”- BOH 18

14th of August 2021 – The Sovereign Queen ist the most beautiful.

“My daughter,  my son,

even if my Mother had not been my Mother,
only because
– She did the Divine Will perfectly and
–  She knew no other life, and
– she  lived in the fullness of It,
by virtue of Her continuous living in my Fiat,
– She would have possessed all the divine prerogatives,
She would still be Queen, the most beautiful of all creatures.

The Divin Fiat loves the creature so much that,
– making use of Its loving stratagems,
It hides, It makes Itself small within her,
– loving to be knocked out by her.

The sovereign Queen  reached the point
of making Me be conceived and of hiding Me in Her womb.(…)”

“The Sovereign Queen ist the most beautiful.”- BOH 27

13 August 2021 – Queen of Heaven and earth. Queen of hearts.

“My daughter,  my son,

how beautiful is the living in my Divine Will.  It keeps,
as though present, everything that has been done by God.
And the creature finds everything that her Creator has done,
– and takes part in His works, and
– can render to her Creator the honors, the love, the glory of that Act.

It can be said that one who lives in Our Divine Will
places Us in the condition
– of renewing Our most beautiful works,
and makes herself the re-newer of Our feasts.

The creation of the Virgin says clearly
what Our Divine Will means and what It can do.
As soon as It took possession of Her virgin Heart,
We did not wait even one minute,
– but immediately We made Her Queen.
It was Our Will that We were crowning in Her. “(…)

“Queen of Heaven and earth. Queen of hearts.”- BOH 27

12th of August 2021 – Queen Mary : Star of the Sea – Star of Light


The Queen Mother came and said to Luisa:

“My daughter, my son,

as the prophets said, my sufferings have been a sea of sufferings.

But, in Heaven,
my sufferings have been transformed into a Sea of Glory.
And each of my sorrows
has borne the fruit of as many treasures of grace.

And just as on earth they call Me ‘Star of the Sea’,
because I guide them to the harbor with certainty,
in Heaven, they call Me ‘Star of Light’ for all the Blessed,
because they are delighted
by this light that my sorrows produced.” (…)

“Queen Mary : Star of the Sea – Star of Light”- BOH 4

12th of August 2021 – Without my Humanity everything was lost for man.


“My daughter, my son,

terrible indeed was the moment of the fall of Adam.
As he rejected Our Divine Will to do his own, Our Fiat was in act of withdrawing from the heavens, from the sun and from all Creation to reduce It to nothing.

If it wasn’t that the Eternal Word
offered His foreseen Merits of the future Redeemer
,   as He offered them
to preserve the Immaculate Virgin from original sin,

everything would had gone to ruin:
– the heavens, the sun, would have withdrawn into Our source.

And as Our Divine Will withdraws, all created things would lose life.(…)

And my Fiat continued His creating and preserving work, waiting for my Humanity in order to give it as legitimate gift, which I deserved. “(…)

“Without my Humanity everything was lost for man”- BOH 27

11th of August 2021 – Jesus teached “the our Father”.

“My son, my daughter,

By forming, Myself, the ‘Our Father’, I placed Myself at the head of it.
And I  took on the commitment to give this Kingdom.
And by teaching it to my apostles, I made order in the creatures,
– so that they might obtain a Good so great.
So, the whole Church is praying.
There is not one soul who belongs to Her that does not recite the ‘Our Father’.

And even though many recite it without interest in wanting and asking for a Kingdom so holy:  that the Divine Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven.

(…) When they recite it my interest is renewed,
and I hear my own prayer asking‘May your Kingdom come,
so that your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven’.

And if the creature, in reciting the ‘Our Father’,
-had this interest of wanting and longing for my Kingdom,
she would take part in my own interest.
And her will would be fused in Mine for the same purpose.
However, my Will and Interest always run in each ‘Our Father”. (…)

Jesus teached “the our Father”.- BOH 24

10 Aug 2021 – Pact between Jesus and the soul

Jesus says to Luisa:

“And besides, don’t you want Me to always win?
The winning of your Jesus is your gain.
So, if you win, you lose. If you lose, you win.

However, be certain that I will do nothing without you.
This is why I placed in you my Will,
and, with It, in my Light, my Sanctity, my Love, my Strength.

So that, if you want my Light, my Sanctity, my Love, my Strength,
you may go in them and take the Light you want,
and the Sanctity, the Love, the Strength that you want to possess.

How beautiful it is to see you possess my dominions,
which makes Me doing nothing without you.

These pacts I can only make with one in whom
my Will dominates and reigns.”

“Pact between Jesus and the soul”- BOH 20

9 August 2021 – The Gospel of the Kingdom of the Divine Will on earth

“My daughter, my  son,

(…) whence with my Coming upon the earth,  I didn’t destroy
the sacred writings. Rather I supported them.
And my Gospel announced nothing opposed to Them.
Rather they sustained each other in a marvelous way.

Now that which I manifest on my Divine Will and that you write,
one can call “the Gospel of the Kingdom of the Divine Will”.

Nothing opposes itself neither to the sacred writings nor
to the Gospel that I announced being upon the earth.
Rather one can call one the support of the other. (…)

The so many surprising Truths, the Promises of the so many goods
that I must give to the children of my divine Will,
will be  the Gospel,  the base,  the inexhaustible Source
from which everyone will draw
– celestial life,  the terrestrial happiness,
– and the restoration of their Creation. “(…)

“The Gospel of the Kingdom of the Divine Will on earth”- BOH 23

8 August 2021 -The Bread of my Sacramental Life

“My daughter, my son,

(…) I  said:  ‘Our Father, in the name of all,
I ask You for three kinds of bread every day:

The first one is the bread of your Will
, or rather, more than bread.
Because if bread is necessary two or three times a day,
this one is necessary at each moment and in all circumstances.

And my Sacramental Life is patiently waiting for man
– to take the bread of the Supreme Will,
in order to be able to give all the good of my Sacramental Life.

See then, how the Sacrament of the Eucharist,
– and not only that one,
but all the Sacraments left to my Church and instituted by Me
– will give all the fruits which they contain and complete fulfillment,
when Our bread, the Will of God, is done on earth as it is in Heaven.” (…)

“The Bread of my Sacramental Life”- BOH 15

7 August 2021 – Faith is God

My son, my daughter,

for the soul who lives of Faith:
since Faith is God Himself,
the soul comes to live of God Himself.
And by nourishing herself with God,
she comes to share in the substance of God.
And by sharing in Him, she comes to resemble Him
and to be transformed with God Himself.

Therefore, it happens to the soul who lives of Faith, that,
–  just as God is holy, the soul is holy.
– just as God s powerful,  the soul is  powerful
And so with all the other attributes of God.
In sum, the soul becomes a little god.

Oh, the blessedness of this soul on earth,
to then be more blessed in Heaven! (…)

“Faith is God”- BOH 2

6 Aug 2021 – the first work is done by Love

My daughter, my son,

my first executioner was Love.

This is why in the course of my Passion,
there was not even a reproachful glance in Me
toward those who acted as my executioners.
ecause I had a more cruel, more active executioner in Me: Love.

And where the external executioners could not reach,
or a little part of Me was spared,
Love would continue Its work and spare Me nothing.

This happens in all souls:
the first work is done by Love.

And once Love has worked her and filled her with Itself,
what appears on the outside is nothing, but
the outpouring of the crafting that Love has performed inside.”(…)

“The first work is done by Love”- BOH 9

5 Aug 2021 – To make everything rise to new life

“My daughter, my son,

these are divine ways – to die and to rise again continuously.

See, nature itself is subject to these deaths and to these risings:
the flower is born and dies – but to rise again more beautiful.
While if it never died, it would grow old, it would lose the liveliness of its complexion, the fragrance of its scent .(…)

In the spiritual order
– the soul must be subject to these deaths and to these risings.

While it seems that  she
– has triumphed over everything and
– abounds in fervor, in graces, in union with Me, in virtues,
and that she has acquired as many new lives in everything,
I hide Myself and it seems that everything dies around her. ” (…)

“To make making everything rise to new life”- BOH 9

4 Aug 2021 – This pain of being left in pure faith

My daughter, my son,

How many times I left my Mama in the state of pure faith.
Having to be the Queen of sorrows and the Mother of all the living,
She could not lack
– the most beautiful adornment,
– the most refulgent gem,
which gave Her the characteristic of Queen of martyrs
and Sovereign Mother of all sorrows.

This pain of being left in pure faith prepared Her to receive
–  the deposit of my doctrines,  the treasure of the Sacraments and
– all the goods of my Redemption.

In fact, since the privation of Me is the greatest pain,
it places the soul in the condition of deserving to be the depository
– of the greatest gifts of her Creator,
– of His highest knowledges, and of His secrets. (…)

“This pain of being left in pure faith”- BOH 13

3 August 2021 – Pray for the blindness of creatures

“My daughter, my son,

all that you are saying is true.
Everything  I have done everything for the creature.

Love pushed Me toward her
so much that I wanted to wrap herwithin my works,
as if within a mantle of defense,
in order to be sure of putting her in safety.

But the creature, ungrateful,
rips this mantle of defense by voluntary sin.
She escapes from beneath my Blessings, Graces and Love

And going outside,
she is struck by the lightnings of Divine Justice.

I am not the One who strikes man.
He himself, by sinning, comes against Me to receive the blows.

“Pray for the blindness of creatures”- BOH 19

2 Aug 2021 – The Gift of the Eucharist surpasses the gifts of Creation

“My daughter, my son,

my Love, giving in to excess,
in instituting the Sacrament of the Eucharist,
–  released from within my Divinity
more Graces, Gifts, Favors, and Light for the good of man,
– to render him worthy to receive Me.

I could say that It released so much good
– as to surpass the gifts of Creation.
First, I wanted to give him  the graces in order for him to receive Me,
and then Myself, to give him the true fruit of my Sacramental Life.

However, in order to anticipate souls with these gifts, it takes
– a little emptying of themselves,
– hate of sin, and desire to receive Me. “(…)

“The Gift of the Eucharist surpasses the gifts of Creation”- BOH 15

1 August 2021 – To make the miracle of my Will happen

My son, my daughter,

(…) I knew that many graces were needed, – since I was
to operate the greatest Miracle that exists in the world
that is, the continuous living in my Will:

The soul must absorb the whole of a God into her act,
– to give Him back again as whole as she absorbed Him.
And then absorb Him once again.

Therefore, this surpasses even the miracle of the Eucharist.
Its accidents have no reason, nor a will, nor desires
which may oppose my Sacramental Life.
So, the Host contributes nothing – all the work is mine. If I want it, I do it.

In order to make the Miracle of the living in my Will happen,
I have to bend a reason, a human will, a desire,
a love which is purely free.  (…)

“To make the miracle of my Will happen”- BOH 13

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